12 Marzec 2025      Imieniny obchodzą: Alojzy, Bernard, Grzegorz

Lightning in safe hands with return of Przemyslaw Odrobny

LIGHTENINGHe became a cult hero amongst supporters last season and today the Smith Recycling MK Lightning are delighted to confirm the return of net minder Przemyslaw Odrobny for the club’s inaugural season in the Elite League.

Known affectionately as “Shemy”, the 6 ft 4 Polish national team stopper earned the nickname “The Great Wall of Milton Keynes’ last season, ending MKL’s double trophy winning season as the best net minder in the EPL, with a save rate of 93.3%

Przemyslaw signed for the Lightning last summer and his skill between the pipes quickly earned him a reputation as one of the most difficult EPL netminders to beat.  He finished the recent IIHF World Championships (Div 1A) as one of the top three goalies of the tournament ranked by save percentage.

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Lightning’s Head Coach, Pete Russell, spoke of Odrobny’s value to the team, commenting: “I’m delighted Przemy has agreed to take the second year of his deal.  He was the best goalie in the EPL, a double champion with us and had a great world championship personally again this year.

“He had other offers and I’m not at all surprised, as he’s such a good goalie.  We’re absolutely delighted to have last season’s Most Valued Player back with us, and I know he’s really up for the challenge.”

Website:           www.mk-lightning.com

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